Monday, March 7, 2016

The Kindness Wall

The first and second graders have just finished an enormous interactive sculpture: The Kindness Wall. We began the project by coming up with a working definition of 3D art. Most classes settled on something like "art that sticks out." 

Using various interesting 3D materials, each child created a sculpture with a special space (or two, or three) for a message of kindness to be hidden.

The students loved building and combining materials.

The following class, after priming them with white, we painted our sculptures a monochromatic yellow, to tie each individual piece of artwork together. We chose yellow as it is often associated with feelings of joy and happiness--and it's one of our RES school colors!

The Kindness Wall is on display outside the art room. The goal is that adults and children in our school community add to our wall by writing or drawing their kind words and thoughts on a slip of paper and tucking the paper into our sculpture. 

The focus on kindness and friendship gives the students the learning experience of the power of art: art has meaning, art makes a statement, and art impacts others!

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