Monday, December 5, 2016

Mindful Mandalas

First and second grade students have just started creating Mindful Mandalas today. With this time of year being so busy, I find it the perfect opportunity to teach mindfulness through art. At circle, we learned about both mandalas and mindfulness. Then, students went to work focusing solely on their task at hand: creating a mandala. The atmosphere was incredibly peaceful. Students worked by candlelight (electric, of course) with soothing music playing softly in the background. 

At the end of class, we reflected upon what doing art mindfully felt like. Many children commented that they felt calm and happy. Several students noticed that their minds tended to wander. A handful of children were really impressed with what they could accomplish when wholly focused. We will continue our mindfulness practice and mandala creation through the next few weeks. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Quilling, mini Matisses and Five Senses Books

This week, third and fourth graders began a quilling project. Quilling is a type of paper art that involves rolling paper strips into differing shapes and combining to create unique combinations. We are being inspired by the season and "Snowflake" Bentley to create these super cool pieces of artwork.

First and second graders are learning about the famous artist Matisse. We are exploring his "drawing with scissors" technique of cutting paper and collaging. Like Matisse, the Kind of color, we are using a wide color palette.
Kindergarten students have been working on their Five Senses Books. They are creating five differing art projects which each focus on a differing sense. Below, the children are sanding cinnamon sticks and painting with tea bags during our "scent" project.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lantern Making Residency Underway!

RES students have been hard at work this week in art with artist Gowri Savoor making beautiful lanterns in preparation for our whole school parade Thursday November 3rd!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Lantern Residency

Richmond Elementary School Lantern Parade
Thursday November 3rd, 2016
at 6pm
(Rain Date: Thursday November 10th)

We are EXCITED to announce that students from Richmond Elementary School will be working with talented visual artist Gowri Savoor, during a six day artist in residence in mid-October.  During this residency every K-4 student will create a paper lantern during their weekly art classes.  Students will have a chance to create something beautiful, using varied materials and will be supported by Ms. Savoor and art teacher Mrs. Kim Aucter as they create.

The lantern parade will allow us to showcase our work to families and each other and we hope you can support this great artistic opportunity for students by saving the date and attending! The parade will include a lighted walk, music and hot cocoa.
We are so thankful for our community partners who support amazing opportunities for our students!  This Artist in Residence was made possible by grants from the Vermont Arts Council and the Huntington Valley Arts.
Are you interested in helping to support the arts and this event at RES?

1. We are looking for a few recyclable items for the lantern making (drop off at school by October 14th):
Large Yogurt Containers (32 Ounces)
Shallow Plastic Containers  
Small Bubble Wrap
Yarn Scraps or rolls
Plastic Tablecloths (Perhaps a birthday party leftover?)

2.  We need to borrow:
Small Hand-Held Pruning Shears (label and we will return)

3.   We need as many adult helpers as we can get—!  If you have some time to come in and create with a class (or two) or could help us to organize materials and the parade. Parade organizers include helping set up materials, serve hot cocoa, and sharing your musical talent!  Please sign up here:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tie Dye Volunteers

Would love to see you in the art room! 
Please consider joining us next week for tie dye.
Here is a link to sign up:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Our Shoes Made It!

Last year fourth grade students designed and decorated shoes in art. Students worked hard to design their shoes all the while keeping in mind that the shoes are meant to be a piece of artwork themselves. (Which lead us to several queries... for example: What is art?)

Then, each child implemented his or her design on two pairs of white canvas shoes using permanent sharpie markers. One pair of shoes was for the students to keep and proudly wear. The second pair of shoes was a donation to another child. (This brought up several questions as well...what would it be like to NOT have shoes?) 

NOW THIS IS THE EXCITING PART; the second pair of shoes has now made it all the way to Zimbabwe!!!! 

It is so exciting that we were able to share our creativity and celebrate the spirit of giving. 

Now our students have a unique connection to the students in Zimbabwe in that they own the only two pairs of each unique shoe design that exist in the whole world!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Printmaking for All!

The K, 2nd, and 3rd grade classes have been doing some fun and exciting printmaking projects. 

The second and third graders have been looking at the artwork of Georgia O'Keefe. The students observed that she paints a lot of flowers and that her artwork is MAGNIFIED. In her style, the children drew a close up of a flower and then an EVEN closer magnified version. 
Then, students transferred this pencil sketch onto a piece of foam to create a stamp. The printmaking technique we have been using uses markers to ink the stamp and then print on damp paper. 
Kindergarteners have been learning about the Four Seasons and thinking about how they change the appearance of a tree. Students created a "basic" tree stamp using foam, then during the printing process, we have made changes to turn each tree into a separate season. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fourth Grade Shoe Project!

Our fourth grade shoe project is up and running. Students have worked hard to create a design for their shoes keeping in mind that these shoes are meant to be pieces of artwork themselves. Each child then has begun to implement his or her design on two pairs of white canvas shoes. One pair of shoes are for the students to keep and proudly wear. The second pair of shoes will be on their way to Zimbabwe at the end of June!

HOWEVER, A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a video update on how our 4th grade shoe project is going...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

First and Second Grade Art Display at the Richmond Free Library

The metal embossing works made by the first and second graders are on display for the month of April at the Richmond Free Library. I hope you are able to stop by and enjoy them!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hundertwasser Dream Works in Progress!

Third and fourth grade students have been learning about the artist and architect Hundertwasser. He was a dreamer and a lover of nature. He was brimming with creative ideas, and his artwork is full of both life and color. 

Inspired by this out of the box thinker, the students have been creating their own architectural designs for their "dream homes." Students began by sketching with pencil. Afterwards, they traced their pencil lines with sharpie to make bold lines that stand out. Lastly, the children have been coloring using brightly color markers.

"Everyone should be able to build, and as long as this 

freedom to build does not exist, the present-day planned 

architecture cannot be considered art at all."
~Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Students have incorporated many of Hundertwasser's ideas into their artwork. They have included a strong connection with nature, bright colors, many curving lines, lollipop trees, hidden faces, awesome details, and a great deal of windows.

"You are a guest of nature--behave."

"When we dream alone it is only a dream, but when many 

dream together it is the beginning of a new reality."


These awesome works will be on display for you to enjoy at the Art Show and Concert this May! 

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Kindness Wall

The first and second graders have just finished an enormous interactive sculpture: The Kindness Wall. We began the project by coming up with a working definition of 3D art. Most classes settled on something like "art that sticks out." 

Using various interesting 3D materials, each child created a sculpture with a special space (or two, or three) for a message of kindness to be hidden.

The students loved building and combining materials.

The following class, after priming them with white, we painted our sculptures a monochromatic yellow, to tie each individual piece of artwork together. We chose yellow as it is often associated with feelings of joy and happiness--and it's one of our RES school colors!

The Kindness Wall is on display outside the art room. The goal is that adults and children in our school community add to our wall by writing or drawing their kind words and thoughts on a slip of paper and tucking the paper into our sculpture. 

The focus on kindness and friendship gives the students the learning experience of the power of art: art has meaning, art makes a statement, and art impacts others!